Friday, December 20, 2013

The Bikram Bitch

"I don't like Bikram style yoga."

Ok. That's right. I said that, before I tried it. It did not sound pleasant: a room heated to 100 degrees (no, I am not exaggerating; 105 with 46% humidity is considered optimal) and the same 26 postures every single time. I swore I would never do it.
But, I have been operating outside of my comfort zone lately, and when I searched for yoga in Eureka, I found only one studio: Bikram Yoga Humboldt.
How could there only be one yoga studio in this hippie town? And why did it have to be a Bikram studio?
Plus, I was called on passing judgement without even trying.
Ok, ok. I'll go.
I thought the heat and humidity would be the worst part, but hell, it was no worse than August in Houston. It actually felt good, made me a little homesick (ok, not really. Who misses Houston in August? Nobody.)
What I was not prepared for was the Bikram bitch.
I have always jokingly called my friend Alex, the Yoga Dom. Ha! Alex is a softie compared to Naveena. This bitch is demanding, barking orders like a drill sergeant and taking no lip!
After practicing Anusara for the past six years, the postures were familiar but different. It was like meeting old friends after a separation and finding them startlingly altered. At one point she was demanding that I point my toes; my foot was behind me and over my head and I just couldn't get them to go in the right direction. I whined, "I'm sorry..I'm not used to.." To which she barked back, "this isn't about what you are used to!"
And you know what? She was right.
It's not about what I'm used to.
If I wanted what I was used to, I'd be back in Texas teaching high school, masquerading as a suburban housewife.
So, after two days of dreading going back. I tried again this morning.
I am not going to say I like Bikram yoga.
But, I can say that there is a lesson to be learned here.
I have three more classes on my introductory 5-class pass.
I'll let you know what it is when I figure it out.
Namaste', bitches!